Saturday, May 31, 2008


今次係我第一次做Pizza, 開頭都好擔心唔成功, 浪費晒d材料架!

好彩比我搵到個好好既食譜, 又易整, 又好味呀! 

老公仲話有d似Pizza Hut添! 真係勁開心呀!

個食譜係今日上網搵既, 係來自Vanlily, 好多謝你呀!

Vanily 的食譜

Pizza 食譜 (10吋x10吋)

高筋粉 70g

中筋粉 100g

糖 3g

鹽 3g*

牛油 12g

依士 3g

水 100g

1) 將所有材料拌勻, 用手搓至麵糰光滑便可(約5mins)**

2) 搓好既麵糰放在盆中, 包上保鮮紙, 發酵45mins至2倍大***

3) 把麵糰排氣後, 滾圓鬆弛10mins

4) 碌成所需大小****, 放入所有材料後, 待20mins後, 用220c火焗15mins

*放入材料時, 鹽唔好直接掂到依士, 依士會死嫁!

**唔使搓到起筋/薄膜咁嫁, 光滑唔痴手就ok~

***冬天發酵: 可以將包上保鮮紙麵糰連一杯溫水放入微波爐中, 加速發酵~

****10吋x10吋大我覺得厚度係在於pizza hut既厚批和薄批之間~

如果想食薄批, 就可以將麵糰分2份, 每份再碌薄d~ 厚d就相反喇!

 總知幾薄幾厚由你話事, 放咩材料都任你鐘意!

但建議如果放罐頭材料(如粟米, 菠蘿等) 就唔好放多過一種, 太多會太濕, 個pizza唔好食嫁喇!


Sunday, May 25, 2008


轉眼間, 粒粒而家已經2歲零6個月, 而珠珠就1歲零5個月喇!

時間真係過得好快, 真係女大十八變呀!

Sogo 23rd Anniversary - Thankful Week

Sogo半年一度既Thankful Week又嚟喇! 又係我這個Sogo人瘋狂購物既時候喇!

不過今次係購物既同時, 大家都不要忘記四川震災, 要捐款, 捐款, 捐款呀!

我今次暫時買咗以下既貨品, 等我又要做個統計, 睇吓慳咗幾多先.............

1. Johnsonville Sausage 3包      原價$49.8x3       特價$36x3

2. CC Lemon   x 5                        原價$13x5          特價$8x5

3. 爽健美茶 x 1                             原價$16.8x1       特價$15.12x1

4. 日本名古屋鹽拉麵 2pack       原價$39.9x2       特價$26.8x2

5. Wasabi 開心果                        原價$39.8x2       特價$32.3x2

6. 栗子豆沙叮噹燒餅 2 pack      原價$29.8x2       特價$25.5x2

7. 意大利Olitalia提子核油           原價$60.5x1       特價$41.8x1

8. 北海道帆立貝 3S                     原價$229x1        特價$168x1

9. 日本骨附腸                               原價$19.9x1       特價$17.9x1

10. 紀州梅醋                                 原價$128x1       特價$88x1

11. Fruits Soy Bar x 2                  原價$8.5x2         特價$15 x 1

12. 王將餃子                                 原價$34x1          特價$26.8x1

13. 日本蛋                                     原價$13.5x1       特價$12.2x1

14. Pocky Gokuboso 52pcs        原價$15.8x1       特價$14.2x1

15. Pretz (Rich Tomato)               原價$18.5x1       特價$16.7x1

16. Prurn Jelly Peach                   原價$13.5x1       特價$12.2x1

17. 可菱水濾水器                         原價$288x1        特價$259x1

18. Calvin Klein Underwear        原價$150x4         特價$127.5x4

19. Jelly Beans Shoes                原價$795x1         特價$528x1

我暫時總共用咗HK$2042.32, 慳咗HK640.58

我仲有化妝品, 護膚品未買呀! 唔知最終會慳幾多呢!!!!!!!


屋企有隻已經起晒斑點既香蕉, 如果再唔食就要送比垃圾桶架喇!

我又唔想浪費食物, 但係又唔想就咁食隻蕉, 於是就搞搞佢, 用嚟做Muffin先!

今次我係跟"The Muffin collection"一書整既, 我發覺這本書既Muffin食譜, 真係快, 靚, 正.


Tropical Banana & Passion Fruit Muffins

(Copy from The Muffin Collection)


1. bananas - 2

2. milk - 250ml

3. plain white flour - 280g

4. baking powder - 1tbsp (我覺得用7g就可以喇)

5. salt - 1/8 tsp

6. soft light brown sugar - 115g

7. medium eggs - 2

8. sunflower oil -6 tbsp or melted butter - 85g

9. vanilla extract - 1 tsp

10. passion fruit - 2

11. clear honey - 2 tbsp


1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6. Grease a 12-cup muffin tin or line with 12 paper case. Mash the bananas and put in a jub. Make up the puree to 250ml with milk.

2. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Stir in the sugar.

3. Lightly beat the eggs in a large jug or bowl then beat in the banana and milk mixture, oil and vanilla extract. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour in the beaten liquid ingredients. Stir gently until just combined; do not over-mix.

4. Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin tin. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes until well risen, golden brown and firm to the touch.

5. Leave the muffins in the tin for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool.

6. Meanwhile halve the passion fruit and spoon the pulp into a small saucepan. Add the honey and heat very gently until warmed through. Spoon on top of the muffins before serving.

因為我屋企冇Passion Fruit, 所以我冇整最後果part架!

同場加影上星期整既Blueberry Muffin, 這個Muffin係Catherine上嚟我屋企時侯, 

我地一齊整架! 果日我地過咗一個好愉快既下午呀! 


Saturday, May 17, 2008

新玩具 - 曲奇槍

早前朋友幫我買把曲奇槍, 見今日有時間, 就立即試試看.

效果非常之好, 方便, 快捷, 唔駛唧得咁辛苦, 一"禁"就得喇!

我今次用咗車厘哥夫曲奇既食譜, 我覺得都幾易控制, 幾好玩, 同唧花好唔同.

這把Wilton 既 Cookie Pro - Ultra II 係尖沙咀買既.

Shop Name : Gourmet Kitchen

Address : Shop 3301, Harbour City, TST, Kln.

Web-site :

Price : HK$240.00

Monday, May 12, 2008

粒粒珠珠:大家好! 好耐冇見喇!

粒珠:  今日Mammy & Daddy皮帶o左我地去大尾督跑跑跑呀

不過玩o左一個鐘就走喇!  因為有好多人踩單車呀! 

Sunday, May 11, 2008



近排既芒果真係又抵又靚, 而且老公又想食,


這個食譜係同事比我既, 係嘴雕王(我老公)話最好味既一個, 

我試過好多個食譜架喇! 佢個個都話唔好味架!




芒果 4

雞蛋 2

花奶 1.5


滾水 2

芒果味啫喱粉 2


將啫喱粉放入一大碗內,加入滾水 ,攪溶,待涼

2.  將所有芒果去皮,一個弄成茸, 另三個切碎

3. 將雞蛋打散, 加入花奶再拌勻, 然後倒入(1) 中攪勻, 最後加入(2)及芒果味香油 

4. 倒入一個已用冰水搪過的盆內, 冷卻後放入雪櫃內, 凝固即成.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

名廚 - Tony Wong

早前跟名廚-Tony Wong學蛋糕, 果日我地整咗個栗子黃梅杯.

Tony 真係好細心好好人, 有問必答, 好有耐性地教我地, 完全沒有架子.

名廚真係名廚, 特別唔同既,



Tony Wong 簡介 

Copy from Characters Publications Ltd.






Monday, May 05, 2008


尋日又同阿Ter去咗跟Tony Wong 學蛋糕, 今次學既係一個立體蛋糕, 

一個好睇唔好食既蛋糕, 因為內裡實在太多Cream喇! 

除非你地係好鐘意食Cream Cake喇! 否則就...................................

今堂學咗好多野呀! 有點樣張個Cream Cake"抆"靚既技巧, 



上圖既作品係Tony Wong既, 下圖係我既!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

早餐 - Blueberry Muffin*v*

今朝又整咗Blueberry Muffin做早餐, 我發覺我真係好鐘意食Blueberry 做既美食, 

我有個朋友仲話我係唔係同Blueberry有仇, 成日都整Blueberry既食物,  

我諗我唔係同佢有仇, 我係太愛佢啫! Wakakakaka

不過今次係用咗一個新食譜, 我覺得係一個最簡單, 又好味既食譜, 

因為佢係唔駛開打蛋器架! 好方便.

而且一次仲可以整到12個, 個個都爆得好靚架!


Blueberry Muffins

(copy from "the muffin collection")


1. oil or melted butter, for greasing (if using)

2. 280g / 10oz plain white flour

3. 1 tbsp baking powder (我用咗6g咋, 因為我覺得多得濟)

4. 1/8 tsp salt

5. 115g / 4oz soft light brown sugar

6. 150g / 5 1/2oz frozen blueberries

7. 2 medium eggs

8. 250ml / 9fl oz milk

9. 6 tbsp sunflower oil or 85g / 3 oz butter, metled and cooled

10. 1 tsp vanilla extract 

11. finely grated rind of 1 lemon


1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6. Grease a 12-cup muffin tin or line with 12 paper cases. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Stir in the sugar and blueberries.

2. Lightly beat the eggs in a large jug or bowl then beat in the milk, oil, vanilla extract and lemon rind. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour in the beaten liquid ingredients. Stir gently unitl just combined; do not over-mix.

3. Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin tin. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 mins  until well risen, golden brown and firm to touch.

4. Leave the muffins in the tin for 5 minutes then serve warm or transfer to a wire rack and leave  to cool. 

Saturday, May 03, 2008


今日老公要返學, 於是我就簡簡單單焗咗個羊扒嚟做晚餐喇! 

唔知大家鐘唔鐘意吃羊既呢? 我就非常之鐘意喇! 重要越"酥"越好!



今日整咗個曲奇送比獸醫診所既一位護士, 因為佢稍後就會去加拿大讀獸醫課程, 

唔會再係粒珠睇開既獸醫診所到工作喇! 這份小小心意, 希望佢會鐘意喇!

這位護士係一位非常有心的女子, 早前我帶粒粒去睇醫生, 


雖然這只是一個小小的鎖匙釦, 但就對粒珠充滿關懷.

Angel, 希望你一齊順利, 遲d會成為一位出色既獸醫喇!