Saturday, November 01, 2008


今日本來想整Cheese Cake架! 不過行咗兩間超級廣場, 一間吉之島, 

都買唔到Mascarpone, 所以就為有放棄喇!

咁冇得整cake, 就整吓Muffin喇!

今次都係用仙姐個食譜, 不過我改咗用士多啤梨味優格同埋急凍士多啤梨.

我覺得淨用士多啤梨香d, 大家都試試吖!

食譜參考至仙姐 - Mixed Berries Muffin

Mixed Berries Muffin


Butter                              100 g  

Sugar                               7 0 g (我用咗80g 因為d士多啤梨好酸)  

Honey                             60 g 

Egg                                  2 Pc  

Vanilla                             As needed  

Cake Flour                      130 g  

Bread Flour                      90 g  

Baking Powder               3 g  

Baking Soda                   2 g  

Salt                                  1 g  

Plain Yogurt                    60 g (轉用Strawberry Yogurt)

Cream                             60 g  

Frozen Mixed berries     As needed (5-6粒急凍士多啤梨切小粒)


Cream together the sugar and butter until light and fluffy.  Mix in all wet ingredients.  

The fold in all dry ingredients  

Stir in the berries gently so that they will not break.  

Bake at 180 until brown, about 20 mins.


mommy dearest said...

looks great!

Anonymous said...

我都成日想整,真係無時間呀 !!

cool said...
