Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chocolate Cookie

今日係清食材既日子, 見啲Chocolate Chip就怏到期, 

於是就立刻去找尋可用大量Chocolate Chip既食譜喇!

係到左睇右睇既時候, 就比我搵到獨角仙既 Chocolate Cookie

佢既食譜絕對合乎我既需要, 太約40塊曲奇, 要用成60g Chocolate Chip正呀!

我仲加到去70g呀! wakakakaka


Chocolate Cookies 

Butter                              100 g

Sugar                               45 g 

Brown Sugar                    45 g 

Egg                                  20 g 

Flour                                 135 g

Cocoa Powder              18 g 

Chocolate Chips           60 g 

Baking Soda                   ¼ Tsp 


Shift the flour, baking soda with cocoa powder 

Blend the butter with sugar

Add egg once at a time until fluffy 

Fold in the flour mixture and fold in chocolate chips 

Rub the dough into a 10 g ball and press with your thumb 

Bake in a 170 preheated oven for about 12 mins until golden  

Approx. 42 Pcs

今日除咗整Chocolate Cookie之外, 仲整咗合桃曲奇, 這款曲奇我實在太鐘意喇!

1 comment:

Ter said...

謝謝你的曲奇, 我鐘意合桃曲奇多啲, 昨晚拎番男友家, 結果:食

晒......無影相呀, 多謝你呢