Saturday, July 26, 2008


今日整咗個我老公唯一會食既芝士蛋糕, 就係日式芝士蛋糕喇!

今次我係跟為食貓既食譜做既, 好成功, 好好味!


我係用咗3個蛋既份量, 整咗個7吋蛋糕





                                 8吋份量               3個蛋的配方                2個蛋的配方

忌廉芝士                 200                         170                            100

牛奶                         128                         109                            64

無鹽牛油                 43                           37                              22

低根麵粉                 26                           22                              13

粟粉                         14                           12                              7

蛋黃                         4                             3                                2

檸檬汁                     ¼茶匙                         沒有加                           隨意可省

蛋白                         4                             3                                2

                             86                           73                              43

塔塔粉                     ¼茶匙                         ¼茶匙                            ¼茶匙或更小



1.   忌廉芝士切成小塊,加入牛奶浸泡30分鐘。無鹽牛油隔熱水坐溶。

2.   浸泡30分鐘後隔熱水加熱,一邊攪一邊加熱至無顆粒,再加入己溶化的無鹽牛油拌勻,熄  火稍稍放涼。

3.   篩入低根麵粉和粟粉拌勻,再加入蛋黃拌勻,最後加入檸檬汁拌勻。此時麵糊光滑無顆粒,如仍發現有小許顆粒,可將麵糊過篩到乾淨的mixing bowl中,待會與蛋白霜混合。

4.   蛋白打成粗發泡後,加入塔塔粉打勻,糖分三次加入打至企身,提起攪拌頭,蛋白的尖峰會下垂。(Clarey 會在頭兩次用高速打發蛋白,每次1分鐘,在第三次用低速打,直至想要的硬度。這樣可以令蛋白沒有很大的氣泡,製成的蛋糕質感軟綿細密,外觀也很好。)

5.   1/3的蛋白與麵糊混合,再將麵糊倒回蛋白霜中輕手混合直至單一顏色就好。

6.   倒入模具,然後拿起模具在木台上輕敲幾下。

7.   用蒸焗法(即是放圓模在加有熱水的焗盤上),放入己預熱的焗爐以170c 15-20分鐘至表面上色,然後調較至150c,打開焗爐門,直至加熱顯示燈再次亮起,關閉焗爐門,焗40分鐘。在最後的10-15分鐘,要留意蛋糕的色水,如已達到你想要的色水,可加鍚紙在蛋糕面避免蛋糕表面太深色。

8.   出爐後放在綱架上稍稍放涼,用小刀界開蛋糕邊和模邊(其實不會太「痴」的)只是希望蛋糕出爐後沉降得靚一點。然後小心脫模。(小心熱)

9.   蛋糕可襯熱食,也可放涼後食,不用放入雪櫃。 










ahcool said...


Emily said...


Rebecca said...

I like japanese cheesecake too.

I had made one long time ago ,it tasted good.

Rebecca T.

travelcake said...

我都好鍾意食黎個蛋糕... 真係超級正既食譜呀!

Eva said...



Wing Yi said...

Hi Alice!

This is exactly what I wanted to make for a long long

time!! Thank you for sharing your recipe!

蒸焗法(即是放圓模在加有熱水的焗盤上)that you mentioned in

the cooking process, is the water supposed to go over the

cake tin? Or you mean putting the cake tin on a tray

while there's water in?

Thank you so much for your effort!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!

Wing Yi

alice0209 said...

Hi Wing Yi,

蒸焗法是將個蛋糕模放在已注熱水的焗盤上, 然後再放進焗爐.

Happy Cinese New Year!!!

Wing Yi said...

Hi Alice!

Gong Hey Fat Choi! Wish you a very happy Rat Year 2008!

I have made this Japanese CHeese cake yesterday, it's

beautiful as exactly the one I wanted!

However, the presentation doesn't look too amazing so I

will have to work on it a bit. Also I did spend longer

than what you advice on baking this cake, and that's why

I'm getting more advices from you now.

Do you us the water bath (蒸焗法) through out the entire

baking process? I found the cake wasn't cook with the

suggested time!! :( so I had to bake the cake on its own

without the water bath for 20 - 30 mins to achieve the

ideal texture of the cake.

Thank you Alice!

Wing Yi

amily said...

Hi, I m new handed baker, I follow all the steps

in your resepi to bake the cake but at the end it

turns out flat.

can you please let me know why?

alice0209 said...

Hi Amily,

請問你係咪用蒸焗法(將個蛋糕模放在已注熱水的焗盤上, 然後再

放進焗爐.) 個蛋糕模要包好, 不能入水.

amily said...

Thank you for replying me. I did use water bath,

but I use normal baking pan which do not need

wrapping with aluminium foil.

The surface of the cake didn't craked, the cake

tecture is fine.

lhheah said...

好漂亮的日式芝士蛋糕 ^^